I HEAR THE TEARS OF YOUR HEART. I LISTEN TO THE STILL VOICE OF FRUSTRATIONS WHICH LIES AT THE BOTTOMLESS PART OF YOUR INNER SOUL. I FEEL THE SENSE OF YOUR HANGER TOWARDS NIGERIA. YES, I DO! THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THAT OUR BLAME AND FINGER POINTING CULTURE WILL NOT BRING AN END TO THE CHALLENGES WE FACE TODAY. THE SOLUTIONS TO OUR PROBLEMS LIE IN OUR HANDS. WE MUST ALL AS CITIZENS OF THE GREAT NATION OF NIGERIA; COME TOGETHER WITH 1 COMMON SENSE OF PURPOSE AND BEGIN TOUCHING ORDINARY LIVES FROM THE BOTTOM. THAT IS THE BEGINNING OF A REAL CHANGE IN NIGERIA” Daniel OlusanyaI often hear people talk about the challenges facing the great nation of Nigeria today. I hear citizens complain and mourn about the lack of infrastructure and the insensitivity of the government. We blame our leaders for everything. Folks say that Nigeria is the most corrupt nation in the world. My question to you today is; WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?Even though I agree with your concerns for Nigeria; are we then going to continue dwelling on the present state that Nigeria is in today or are we as great citizens look forward to what Nigeria could become. The government cannot do it alone, they need your help and support to make Nigeria a great nation again; not just for your generation, but for generations to come. After all, the problems we face today are as a result of the mistakes and failures of our past generations. We all fail at times and we do make mistakes as well. Now, what does it profit us to keep pointing fingers and remain in the same state of affairs?The Challenges that we face today cannot be solved by our criticism of the government (leaders) or by so called revolution. Our challenges can only be solved by the shared sense of Purpose, Faith and Hope among us.I have faith and believe that Nigeria has a destiny that we the people must see come to pass. We are the generation that can and will bring real change to Nigeria.The time is now to think; what can you do for Nigeria and not what Nigeria can do for you."THE SENSE OF A COMMON PURPOSE WHICH BINDS US TOGETHER IS GREATER THAN THE SPIRIT OF COMPLAINTS THAT BREAKS US APART" Daniel Olusanya "REAL CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU"Written by Daniel Olusanya (18 April 2009)Founder, THE PURPOSE SOCIETY (REAL CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU)PLEASE HELP PASS THIS NOTE AROUND BY POSTING IT ON YOUR WALL USING THIS LINK: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&&suggest¬e_id=81962107591 Please watch my new video message to all Nigerians here: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&&suggest¬e_id=81962107591#/video/video.php?v=1134096107968 Join the group: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&&suggest¬e_id=81962107591#/group.php?gid=25060162852&ref=tsSHOULD YOU WISH TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN PRINT AND ANY OTHER MEDIA FORMATS, PLEASE DO HAVE THE COURTESY TO ASK FOR MY PERMISSION. THE FULL CONTENT OF THE ATTICLE; INCLUDING TITLE, NAME OF AUTHOR, ETC, MUST REMAIN INTACT AT ALL TIMES. Thank you.
Daniel Sync Olusanya
04 May 2009
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